A Lesson On Aesthetics

Applied media aesthetics differs in three major ways:

Rather than being concerned primarily about beauty and philosophy of art, applied aesthetics deals with a number of aesthetic phenomena, including light, colour, space, time/motion and sound and our perceptual reactions to them.

The media themselves plays an important part in shaping the message. Media aesthetics can be applied both to analysis and synthesis i.e. production.

We can stabilize the environment and we practice, selective seeing and perception.
We perceive an event relative to the context in which it occurs. Applied media aesthetics places great importance on the influence of the medium on the message. The medium itself acts as an integral structural agent.

The five fundamental image elements are:

- light and colour
- two dimensional space
- three dimensional space
- time/motion
- sound

Aesthetics suggest that that we are all bereft of all aesthetics, that our perceptions are dulled or totally shut off so that we no longer receive any stimuli, even physical ones. Light is what orients us in space and time and influences how we feel about a thing a person or an event. The areas that need special attention when dealing with light are the nature of light, lighting purpose and functions the nature of shadows and inner orientation functions of lighting.

Light is a form of radiant energy that commonly behaves as electromagnetic waves. Perceptually light is invisible except at its sources and when it is reflected. There are two types of shadows, cast and attached. The attached shadow is inevitably fixed to its object and dependant on it. The cast shadow is independent and may be connected to its object or disconnected from it. The attached reveals the basic form of the object while the cast shadow tells where the object is in relation to its surroundings.

Falloff is the brightness contrast between light and shadow sides of an object. The term also refers to the relative change from light to dark. The spatial orientation functions are to reveal the basic shape of the object and its location relative to its environment. The tactile orientation function means that fast falloff lighting is employed to reveal the objects surface texture. Time orientation is achieved by controlling the relative brightness of the background. The two principal lighting techniques are chiaroscuro and flat. Chiaroscuro lighting contains cameo and Rembrandt.


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    - Peace and harmony.

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