
Showing posts from November 21, 2010

Psychology of Missing Someone

I have been really interested in knowing, what makes a person miss the other person? How do we miss this person? Why do we miss this person? Or anyone in fact? I have been thinking about this from the morning. Even when I was in the shower. Usually, when I am in the shower, I get weird epiphanies or revelations regarding various topics, or I see or think about things which do come true.  I have always wondered if I had some special ability and yes, I do have a special ability.  It is the ability to observe and analyse. Two things very important for Psychologists but Photographers and Journalists alike . Some people might not observe about what's going on around them, some might but not analyse, some won't even do both. It's good to observe and analyse but not draw negative conclusions all the time. We must analyse and draw conclusions without any biases and pre-made up thoughts about something in our minds. Some people analyse and look into something way too much ...