Psychological Utopia
The concept of Utopia was originally used by Plato in the 4th century B. C. referring to a perfect place and society in his book ‘The Republic’. Over the years, many different scholars and philosophers used the word Utopia. Utopia was picked up by fiction writers to describe a place an author makes the traveller go to, which is perfect and faultless. As many people started writing and thinking about a perfect society, the opposite of such a society also came under consideration and people categorised Utopia in to two; positive and negative Utopia. Negative Utopia is also called Dystopia. The actual word Utopia comes from two Greek words, ‘ou’ and ‘topos’ which mean “no place”. Perfect Utopia would be a place with a perfect socio-political-legal system. This term is used both in literary fiction, where it refers to a heavenly like place loved to be inhabited by everyone and it also is used to describe people that deliberately come together and try to establish perfect commun...