Kids and Soft Porn
Want to know something? Last week someone actually asked me if I watched porn. My reaction to her question was a big what the fuck? NO! It is not unusual for people to watch porn these days. People don't even take in to account if their religion prohibits them from doing something. Like this girl, that asked me this question, did not take in to account the fact that she is a Muslim and she should not be indulging in so called sin. My second reaction was, oh my god, but she is a Pakistani! How can she watch porn? Then it hit me, since when has nationality stopped anyone from doing anything. People do much worse things in Pakistan, than watching porn and it has been happening from ages. Difference is people don't talk openly about it. Guys might whisper to their friends, girls -those that do watch- might watch it in secret and never let it be known to anyone else. So why was I so shocked here? Even though her asking me that question, I felt was a bizarre thing to do; it did get...