Mistakes, Regrets and Experience
Veena Malik after a series of press conferences and interviews, and not to forget 'ALL THE DRAMA', finally said earlier tonight that ‘she committed a big mistake by agreeing to do that FHM shoot’ and then at the same time, posts on her Twitter account, “No one has cheated me the way FHM did…will never forget them!” Get a life Veena. You are a grown woman, unlike what your fake D.O.B on your Twitter BIO suggests. What goes on in the mind of a person like Veena Malik is a mystery; however it is not really hard to decipher the consequences of the actions of a person, with brainless behaviour. Such are the celebrities, or even people of today, who would do anything to gain attention. People literally do anything to gain attention. It has been easier with the advent of social media, to gain attention of loads of people, in the quickest span of time. Even mainstream media has allowed celebrities to give more interviews and appear in more shows which are primarily focused on them. T...