
Showing posts from August 13, 2012

Future of Newspapers

The future of newspapers is a very debatable topic and there are many views from different experts in the field on this. Some say there is a bright future for newspapers; however other people are not so optimistic. There is a common perception that people would always need to know information and for that, some sort of medium would be needed. In the information age and with continuous media revolutions and technological advances, we may pose the question to ourselves; is traditional conservative media giving way to the modern media practices? These days life is very fast paced and we are in a commuter culture. People are always on the move. Whether it is going from the home to the office or commuting between different countries for work or personal reasons. In such a culture, people have less time to sit down and actually read newspapers. That means that circulation of print based newspapers is less and because of that the advertisers are pulling out advertisement money from newsp...