Meet the Robinsons
This is one animation movie with such a nice message attached to it. Multiple messages in fact. I was in tears when I watched the last 30 minutes of the movie. Most of the times people make animated movies for kids which are funny and humorous but their story lines are not something that can be traced back to reality. The Incredibles for example or many other movies. I don't usually get tears while watching a movie. Very rare is it that I have. Avatar was one movie which absolutely jolted me, even though it's story line was a mixture of fantasy elements and reality. That reminds me, I had to write about how the Avatar movie affected me but then didn't come around to doing that. One of the biggest message that I got from Meet the Robinsons is, even though sometimes we might feel low and jealous of other people and feel that we are alone and our life can't get any better, it does. We should always "Keep Moving Forward" like Louis...