Supporting Independent Films - Crowdfunding 'The Chop'

The film industry has immensely evolved over the past decade, not only in how films are made, but also about how films are distributed and relayed to the audiences. In the past, conventional film making involved traditional means of capturing motion pictures and then projecting them to the audience in a theatre. As we evolved technologically and as the film industry’s popularity with the general public grew, there were a lot of developments and advancements made; even in the conventional cinema viewing. 

These days however, due to the rapid growth fuelled by social media and the Internet, not only has the ‘viewing’ part of film making evolved, but also the ‘making’ part of the industry has developed greatly.

Internet has made it easy to cost effectively distribute films; this phenomenon has propelled more people to get in to the business of film making. This is pushing a change in trends. No longer is the film industry controlled by big budgets and big name film studios. Independent film makers are starting off with tight budgets and low resources, but at the same time, they’re managing to produce worthwhile quality material. 

Before, a film maker had to pitch their idea to investors and big name personalities, to get them on board as executive producers, who would fund the film. More often than not, this was a very tedious thing to do and a long process to go through, before you could find a Producer that would back your film; especially if you’re not a well-known individual in the industry and are not tied to a big name film studio or company.

However, with the practice of crowdfunding, the trend by which people are managing to achieve their dreams is changing, ever so gradually. It has revolutionised the way by which independent film makers fund their projects. Crowdsourcing on the internet has helped get financial contributions, not only from locally, but also internationally. Sky is the limit when it comes to reaching out to people, especially on social media platforms. 

The trick is to market your film correctly, over the internet and the funding will come. 

There are different crowdfunding websites on the Internet, that help people ask for funding for any kind of their projects. Indiegogo is one such website that facilitates independent film makers achieve their dreams. It the largest crowdfunding platform and it empowers you to reach out to the world. There are many crowdfunding examples that can be found on Indiegogo. One such example is the currently in production indie-comedy short film project called ‘The Chop’.

'The Chop' is a comedy about Yossi, a charismatic Kosher butcher who loses his job, cannot find work at other Kosher butchers, and therefore decides to pretend to be Muslim in order to get work at a Halal butchers.

‘The Chop’ is the kind of project that should get funding. It is also the kind of project, whose script might get lost in the pile of other scripts that reach the desks of big name film directors and/or producers. It has a quirky and unconventional plot, something which we don’t generally see in mainstream films and Television projects. It is something exciting and interesting. Indiegogo is the best place for ‘The Chop’ team to advertise about their film and get funding from the public, from people like us.

Not only does this give an opportunity for people one hundred percent dedicated and involved with the film industry to further their ambitions, but it also gives a chance to us normal people to be a part of something exciting in the world of films. If you think ‘The Chop’ is an exciting project and you would like to fund it, go to the Indiegogo page of ‘The Chop’ and help them in any way possible. Any donation amount could mean a spectacular ending for all.


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